Acne Scar – Acne Scar Treatment

Acne Scar – Acne Scar Treatment

As a result of the treatment of acne or its spontaneous regression, some problems may remain; Acne scars. Acne scar means acne scar. Let’s briefly talk about the methods used in the treatment of acne scars, which are common in society and cause serious visual problems in some patients;

Fractional Laser Therapy

Partial damage to the skin is planned with fractional laser treatment. By damage we mean dots smaller than a millimeter in size. Damaged areas are surrounded by islets of intact skin. Thanks to this, healing occurs quickly.

The main aim of treatment is to provide a controlled restructuring in problem areas. The number of sessions varies between 3 and 5 depending on the severity of the acne scar. Session intervals are on average 1 month. Anesthesia is provided in the treatment area by applying numbing creams approximately 30-60 minutes before the application. The process takes an average of 30 minutes. Good sun protection is required after application. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply in the summer season. Apart from sunscreens, creams that provide rapid healing will be recommended by your doctor. The symptoms related to the procedure disappear in an average of 5-7 days. The results of the application show itself in each session. However, recovery continues until 1.5 months have passed since the last session.

In the studies, patients reported that they saw 75% excellent, 10% good, 10% moderate and 5% mild results in terms of satisfaction rates.

Gold Needle Radiofrequency Therapy

It is one of the popular applications of recent times. In the application, caps with personalized gold needle-titanium micro needle tips are used. It contains 25-64 needles according to the width of the area to be treated. Anesthesia is provided in the treatment area by applying numbing creams approximately 30-60 minutes before the application. The process takes an average of 30 minutes. It requires 3-5 sessions of application once a month, depending on the need. Since the process does not damage the upper layer of the skin, it can be applied in summer and winter. Mild redness and edema are expected findings after the application. There is usually no crusting. The effects of the procedure disappear in about 2 days. The use of sunscreen and fast repairing creams after the application accelerates the return to daily life. The results of the application show itself in each session. However, recovery continues until 1.5 months have passed since the last session.

In the studies, patients reported that they saw 75% excellent, 15% good, 7% moderate and 3% mild results in terms of satisfaction rates.

PRP Treatment

We also apply to the PRP application, which we use in many areas, in the treatment of acne scars. Due to its ability to accelerate tissue metabolism and increase the production of new building blocks, it is generally used together with methods such as fractional laser, gold needle, dermapen. It can also be used as a stand-alone direct injection method.

At least 3 sessions should be performed with an interval of 2-4 weeks. When used in combination with other methods, the platelet-poor part is used as plasma, while the rich part is used by injecting.

Dermapen Dermaroller Application

Dermapen and dermaroller are skin microneedling applications. It is aimed to restructure the skin by giving a controlled damage. Thanks to thousands of channels opened on the skin surface, a serious restructuring is started in that area.

Anesthesia is provided in the treatment area by applying numbing creams approximately 30-60 minutes before the application. The procedure takes an average of 30 minutes. The number of sessions varies between 4 and 8 depending on the severity of the acne scar. Session intervals are on average 2 weeks.

Since it is only a mechanical process, it gives lower results than fractional laser and gold needle. However, it is a good alternative for patients who are afraid of other treatments.

As you can see, these are the basic methods used in acne scar treatment. The processes can be applied alone or in combination. In my daily practice, I apply gold needle, prp and dermapen in combination in the same session in patients with serious scars.

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