Chin Filling

Non-Surgical Chin Aesthetics

Filling applications are one of the most frequently applied methods for aesthetic purposes today. Successful results in face filling applications bring with it the addition of new applications every day and the progress in the field of non-surgical aesthetics. With chin filling and jaw line filling, your face is aesthetically pleasing.

It is possible to make it much more impressive and approach the golden ratio. When it comes to facial beauty, it is essential that all aesthetic units on the face are compatible with each other. Therefore, after a good analysis, it is possible to make transactions that are not understood by the environment, but lead to positive results, thanks to small but effective touches. At this point, one of our biggest helpers is filling applications. Now let’s examine the details of the chin filler.

What material is used in chin filling?

As in all other face filling procedures such as nose filling, cheek filling, cheek filling, the most frequently used material for the chin tip is hyaluronic acid derivatives. Hyaluronic acid is the most commonly used and safest aesthetic filling material all over the world. The fact that it is almost unlikely to cause any allergic reaction in the body, and that the risks of complications and side effects are almost non-existent are the main factors in the successful use of this product.

Does the chin filling cause any problems in the chin after it melts?

Hyaluronic acid derivatives have the feature of being completely dissolved by the body, so when the life of the product expires, it is dissolved by the body and removed completely.

Is chin filling painful and how long does the procedure take?

Chin tip filling is an extremely painless and comfortable procedure performed under office conditions. When necessary, special pain relief creams and cooling anesthesia applications are applied. The process takes about 10 minutes. It takes a long time and you can continue your normal life without any restrictions after the procedure.

What are the aesthetic applications that can be done in the chin area with face filling?

Many aesthetic procedures such as chin augmentation, chin extension, chin tip form change, chin corner clarification, jaw lines clarification, easing or correction of chin asymmetries can be performed with filling applications. Thus, it is possible to provide a proportional facial appearance and look much more attractive without surgery.

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